The city of Colorado Springs, Colo., has launched a new development tracker webpage to provide increased transparency and clearer communication around land development projects that are submitted to the city for review.
“The City is proud to release these new tools to help ensure residents know what development projects are proposed for their neighborhoods, along with the ways they can comment on them and participate in public meetings,” said Katie Carleo, the city’s acting assistant planning director. “A key part of our review process for a development application is receiving comments from residents, and we want to ensure that process is as transparent and clear as possible.”
City leaders explained that the new development tracker website includes an interactive map that shows applications that are either under review or recently approved. Additionally, the map makes it easier for residents to find more project information.
The webpage consolidates information on how to participate in public hearings and provides information on upcoming neighborhood meetings to discuss proposed developments. City leaders said they plan to expand the website to include tutorial videos on the review process and how to be engaged in the planning process.
In addition to the new website, the city also redesigned its posters and postcards that notify property owners and residents about development applications in their neighborhood. The new designs include a QR code to easily get to the development tracker webpage, along with information on how to comment on the application or participate in a public hearing or neighborhood meetings.