California has launched its newly revamped, which highlights the state’s ongoing infrastructure investments.
As part of the Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Build More, Faster – For All infrastructure agenda, the state is projected to invest $180 billion in state and Federal funds over the next 10 years. Projects span broadband, clean energy, transportation, environmental restoration, hydrogen, semiconductors, water, zero-emission vehicles, and other areas to improve the lives of all Californians.
To track and highlight these infrastructure projects, the state created The newly revamped website offers information for more than 16,000 projects from different state and Federal agencies that highlight the community and critical infrastructure investments, while also increasing government transparency and accountability.
“We are leveraging once-in-a-generation funding to transform the state’s infrastructure, streamline the development process, create thousands of good paying jobs and improve the lives of every Californian,” said Gov. Newsom. “With the new, we’re making it easier than ever to see how California is putting your tax dollars to work and investing in California’s future.”
The governor’s office explained that the new website leverages the existing Rebuilding CA website that was focused primarily on transportation investments. His office noted that Californians will soon see Building CA signage at infrastructure projects across the state, so they know where their tax dollars are being invested.