Nevada has embarked on a $72 million modernization overhaul of its unemployment insurance (UI) system.
The Nevada Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation (DETR) confirmed in early December that the Nevada Board of Examiners signed off on DETR’s plan to build and implement the new Unemployment Insurance system. DETR said the modernization aims to make the process of filing for unemployment easier for Nevadans.
According to a press release, the modernization is projected to take up to four years to fully complete. Once completed, both the front and back end of the UI website will “operate more efficiently and will be more accessible to staff and users.”
Additionally, the new system will collect unemployment taxes, pay out benefits to eligible claimants, and handle appeals. It is also designed to handle expanded usage during tough economic times, prevent fraud, and implement new benefit programs quickly. Funding for the overhaul came from a American Rescue Plan Act grant.
“The UI Modernization … will make it significantly easier for eligible Nevadans to get paid the benefits they need. It will be a boost for businesses to track payments and claims. And it will make this work easier for staff,” said DETR Director Elisa Cafferata.