The New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department is asking state lawmakers to approve a $140.6 million budget request that includes $9.5 million of funding aimed at improving security and customer service for taxpayers and local governments.
The budget request features three one-time requests focused on system improvements.
The budget request seeks $5.6 million for the Revenue Processing Division to replace aging imaging and data capture software, and $2.5 million to purchase a data analytics solution. The department said both of those purchases would reduce processing times, identify fraud, catch errors, and improve the department’s overall workflow and return processing times.
The department is also requesting $1.4 million to replace the existing paper-based vehicle titling system with electronic vehicle titling. The department said electronic vehicle titling would modernize systems and result in a more secure and efficient process.
The budget request is also targeting the department’s 20 percent job vacancy rate, which it says hurts both security and customer service.
“Job vacancies at the Taxation and Revenue Department remain a stubborn challenge, which is why we must offer more competitive pay and a rewarding work environment. My goal is to make certain that this Department has the staff needed to ensure excellent service to our customers,” said Secretary Stephanie Schardin Clarke.