The San Antonio Independent School District (SAISD) is celebrating an election night win this week. Voters approved two bond measures worth nearly $1.3 billion for education funding.
The first bond measure – Proposition A – will allot $1.21 billion for “significant” renovations to 36 SAISD campuses. Under the bond measure, 21 campuses will get their first full renovation in more than half a century, and another 15 that would receive finishing improvement from work that was done in either Bond 2016 or Bond 2010.
The second bond measure – Proposition B – will give $90 million in funding for technology upgrades to every SAISD classroom. Upgrades will include high-speed internet connectivity, devices for each student, teacher and student support tools, interactive smart boards, and audio systems.
“Every school will be impacted – whether it’s upgrading every single classroom to be a 21st-century classroom, replacing our outdated AC systems, or upgrading our security systems,” said Superintendent Pedro Martinez.
The bond measure comes at the heels of significant growth within the school district, both in population and academic achievement. “We’re one of the fastest improving school districts in the state,” Martinez said. “And now, we’re able to match our facilities and our classroom spaces with those academic gains.”
Before appearing on the Nov. 3 ballot, the measures were approved by SAISD’s Trustees unanimously. The measures were proposed by a community-driven Blue Ribbon Task Force. The Task Force spend the spring and summer touring school district facilities. Their final report highlighted a need for campus improvements and upgrades. “It also helps further develop long-range groundwork through Master Plan 2030, which has been what District leaders have been creating since 2017,” SAISD said.
SAISD Board President Patti Radle also praised the passage of the bond measures.
“The boldness of our board and superintendent in the size of this bond is a statement about SAISD’s determination to address the historic inequality and deterioration of the condition of our school facilities,” Radle said. “Our students deserve great facilities that match the great learning that has been going on inside our buildings. We think students, parents and faculty will be amazed by the change that is coming.”
In a Nov. 3 statement, Martinez said the school district will waste no time as it begins to search for private sector partners who will implement the school district’s plans.