Jane Holl Lute, the former deputy secretary of Homeland Security, is scheduled to provide a Tech Talk at the Symantec Government Symposium on Aug. 30 in Washington, D.C. MeriTalk caught up with Lute, who agreed to offer her thoughts on the evolving struggle between privacy and security, and a preview of her presentation.

The interconnectedness of the energy sector presents both increased challenges and potential, according to panelists at an Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology briefing. “The energy sector is clearly the backbone of all 16 critical infrastructures,” said Jay Williams of Parsons.

Cybercriminals have become more sophisticated–going beyond mere ransomware to destruction of files, database internals, and complete systems, according to a July 2016 white paper published by EMC. That’s why EMC officials recommend a new type of security called a layered data protection strategy.

The FBI has launched a campaign to improve industry reporting to its Internet Crime Compliant Center (IC3) in major cities across the United States. “IC3 is often the first piece of the investigative puzzle. We receive victim complaints and then analyze, aggregate, and exploit those complaints to provide law enforcement with comprehensive reports that can […]


The Obama administration is working on a plan to elevate the status of the United States Cyber Command and separate it from the National Security Agency, according to Reuters. U.S. Cyber Command will focus on developing cyber weapons to punish hackers and combat adversaries such as ISIS. After this transition, U.S. Cyber Command would become […]

Since 2003, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has settled HIPAA violations to the tune of $36 million, with the two most recent settlements coming from Oregon Health & Science University and the University of Mississippi Medical Center. HIPAA protections are granted by three separate, yet related, rules. The first one, the HIPAA Privacy Rule, […]

The Presidential Directive that defined roles and responsibilities of Federal agencies in the event of a cyber incident is being applauded as a step in the right direction by private sector cybersecurity companies. “Better defined coordination amongst government cybersecurity stakeholders is welcomed,” said Blue Coat CTO Aubrey Merchant-Dest. “Clarification on who to contact is important, […]

The Republican Party platform, released during the convention in Cleveland that chose Donald Trump as the nominee, explains the party’s views on technology including broadband expansion, net neutrality, cybersecurity, education, and health care. Broadband The platform emphasizes the party’s views that the government should invest in more broadband development.  “At the cost of billions, the […]

The Defense Health Agency is working on a way for a person injured overseas to have instant access to world-class health care. Cmdr. Tony Thornton, deputy director of the Health Information Technology Directorate at DHA, said the technology for making such connectivity possible was already available.

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