
Boston University (BU) announced that it has formed an AI Task Force that will asses both the benefits and drawbacks of generative artificial intelligence, as well as define pathways for the use of the technology on campus.

Boise State University has hired Brandon Bowlin as its new chief information security office (CISO). Brandon’s work will be part of the university’s Office of Information Technology.

school bus

The Biden administration has tapped the Departments of Homeland Security (DHS), Education (ED), Health and Human Services (HHS), and Justice (DOJ) to launch a public awareness campaign to highlight Federal school safety resources and evidence-based practices available through

Through a partnership between Mississippi Department of Education, Mississippi State University Research and Curriculum Unit, and analytics software company SAS, the state of Mississippi now has a new online tool that shows the coronavirus pandemic’s effects on student achievement and progress and how school districts are allocating Federal funds to support student learning.

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