Missouri Secretary of State Denny Hoskins has suspended state funding for OverDrive – a digital distributor of ebooks, audiobooks, online magazines and streaming video titles that is used in Missouri public schools – in a move that is drawing pushback from the Missouri Library Association (MLA) which voiced concerns with the decision.

The Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has launched a universal online statewide platform to support the state’s High School and Beyond Plan (HSBP) initiative.

Saint Louis Public Schools (SLPS), which operates public schools in the City of St. Louis, Mo., has inked a three-year transportation contract with Zum, a provider of student transportation services that feature data-driven routing, driver tracking, and app-driven updating functions through a mobile app.

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) has launched the Online Report Card, which will make K-12 public education data more accessible for students, families, and community members.

The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) has awarded two grants to foster the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in school districts and county vocational schools throughout the state.

customer experience
AI Artificial Intelligence

The Rhode Island Department of Education has partnered with Khan Academy to offer a no-cost opportunity to all local education agencies (LEAs) across Rhode Island to help support students preparing for the SATs and, more broadly, help students prepare for their future careers through the integration of Khan Academy Districts and Khanmigo tools.

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