Even as Apple went public yesterday with a new mobile device operating system intended to close security loopholes that law enforcement agencies were using to access locked devices, one digital forensics firm said it found a workaround to bypass the new security features for a cost of about forty bucks.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is piloting a new artificial intelligence (AI) initiative with Canada’s Department of National Defense that kicked off today and aims to provide first responders and paramedics with information to help make potential life-saving decisions in the field.

When shopping for smartphones and tablets, FirstNet was looking for something that could handle more than calling an Uber and snapping the perfect selfie.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is setting his sights on cybersecurity this spring. His office recently launched NYC Secure, a cybersecurity initiative aimed at protecting New Yorkers online.

AT&T and the First Responder Network Authority recently announced the launch of the FirstNet network core. With the launch, first responders now have nationwide access to a specialized communications system designed to meet their unique needs.

The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) rare public alert last week about a large-scale Russian cyber campaign targeting U.S. infrastructure raised a piercing alarm about vulnerabilities in the nation’s power grid, and underscored what officials have meant when talking about the need for a whole-of-government and whole-of-nation approach to cyber defense.

Social media has become ubiquitous–everyone from the Pope to your second grade English teacher has a following. The one group that’s lagging behind? Law enforcement.

North Korea’s persistent efforts on nuclear weapons development and some loose talk about red buttons have raised new fears internationally about the possibilities of nuclear conflict. At home, government agencies also are addressing the questions about what to do in the case of a nuclear detonation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), for example, will hold one of its Public Health Grand Round teaching sessions Jan. 16 on how medical professionals should respond–and although the event has been planned for months, it’s timing suddenly seems to be on the mark.

TJ Kennedy will leave his role as president of FirstNet at the end of the year. Kennedy has been with FirstNet, the Federal organization tasked with establishing a nationwide network for public safety and first responders, for more than four years.

A month after experiencing catastrophic devastation due to Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico is still struggling to recover. With 48 percent of cell sites still out of service, residents and officials struggle to communicate across the island. To help get residents connected again AT&T deployed its Flying Cell on Wings (COW) for the first time.

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