About 1 million people are expected to flock to Houston for 10 days of Super Bowl-related activities and more than 100 million people are expected to watch the Feb. 5 game on television. Officials have been working for more than a year to perfect a surveillance-based approach, more sophisticated than in past years, that includes surveillance cameras, overhead helicopters, and Houston police.

After the deadliest year in more than 20 years, the Chicago Police Department released its 2017 initiatives to reduce violence. The initiative relies heavily on using technology, specifically data analytics, to better understand how law enforcement can best protect residents and visitors.

With a rise in public mistrust of police forces in cities across the country, many police departments have been refocusing their efforts on community policing to re-establish public trust.

The New Orleans Police Department plans to install automatic license plate readers throughout the city. Police consider the investment in the new technology, used elsewhere in Louisiana, as a “down payment” on public safety. The cameras will allow police to mine a large database of license plate images and identify and track suspects.

Newark, N.J., Mayor Ras J. Baraka on Nov. 10 announced the launch of the Women’s Safety Hackathon, with the intention to create a technology that makes Newark safer for women. “Women’s safety is an issue that affects all of us, even nationally,” Baraka said to NJ.com, after a City Hall news conference announcing the competition. […]

Florida has awarded a $700 million contract to Harris Corp. to provide a statewide communications network. This network will connect 4,000 sites, bringing together public safety, law enforcement, public schools, and other state and local government agencies.

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