MeriTalk surveyed 100 state and local government (SLG) IT decision-makers to uncover the impact of IT modernization on citizen service outcomes and best practices for delivering excellent, equitable, and secure citizen services.

For state and local government (SLG) organizations, the pandemic was ripe for fraud. Nearly three years in, SLG leaders still face the repercussions of bad actors who took advantage of legacy systems and limited safeguards in place. So, how are SLG organizations moving forward? How are they using modern identity and access management (IAM) to […]

MeriTalk surveyed 100 SLG IT decision-makers to understand: the cyber “must haves” for reliable citizen services, efforts to improve data protection and application security, and opportunities to strengthen cross-industry collaboration. Download the report, “State of the State: 2022 Cybersecurity in State and Local Government,” to learn more.

View the “Ransomware Remedies: Protecting State and Local Government Data” infographic to learn more on the growing risk of ransomware attacks, particularly among state and local governments, and the strategies they can implement to shore up defenses against these attacks.

Cloud and cloud-enabled technology are helping state and local governments address many needs, from public safety to citizen service improvements. At the same time, digital transformation and remote work bring myriad challenges to state and local governments, like increased cost and complexity. Research shows that 93 percent of state and local government IT decision makers […]

In this new infographic, “From Puddles to Clouds: Early Steps Cloud Adoption,” MeriTalk, Amazon Web Services and DLT Solutions explore the benefits of cloud migration and critical steps state, local, and education organizations are taking to modernize.

State and local government (SLG) leaders have been on the road to IT modernization for over a decade, and for some organizations, the pandemic served as a fast-pass to cloud adoption. But for others, it halted legacy migrations in favor of more immediate mission needs. Moving forward, where are SLG organizations looking to accelerate cloud […]

The TeamDynamix/IDG study explored the challenges companies face with enterprise integration and automation, and the significant IT benefits of standardizing on one central platform for integrations and workflow automations.

The rise of digital government brings a heightened awareness about the amount of data collected and categorized by state and local organizations. But where is this data going, who is analyzing it, and how is it impacting the ability of SLG leaders to deliver on their mission? MeriTalk surveyed 75 IT decision-makers and 75 program […]

From ransomware attacks on school systems and hospitals to threats on critical infrastructure, it’s little wonder that state and local government (SLG) IT leaders find it hard to sleep at night.