New York City

New York City launched a new digital equity program, called “Big Apple Connect,” on Sept. 19 that will provide free high-speed internet and basic cable TV to about 300,000 New Yorkers living in more than 200 New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) developments by the end of 2023.

In his first month on the job, New York City Mayor Eric Adams is already making a push to improve government efficiency by signing an executive order (EO) to consolidate all city technology agencies under a single authority, the Office of Technology and Innovation.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that New York City would spend the next three years building publicly-owned broadband infrastructure serving 1.6 million residents while partnering on immediate-term affordable internet connectivity for more than 250,000 residents.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, New York City’s 311 call center has answered a record-setting 23.5 million calls in 2020. Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office said the call count, which is the highest in the center’s 18-year history, was due to the unprecedented need for essential services and information.

New York City is introducing the NYC Benefits Screening Application Programming Interface (API), which will connect eligibility criteria data for social service programs to technology that will help residents learn about potential public benefits, such as SNAP, Cash Assistance, and the Housing Efficiency Assistance Program.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is setting his sights on cybersecurity this spring. His office recently launched NYC Secure, a cybersecurity initiative aimed at protecting New Yorkers online.

smart cities

Two years after the launch of its What Works Cities national initiative, Bloomberg Philanthropies announced its new Smart City certification. The What Works Cities Certification seeks to support local leaders in leveraging Smart City best practices, as well as reward achievements and provide a clear path to success.

In 2014, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio launched Vision Zero to end traffic-related fatalities in the city. Three years into the initiative, the mayor’s office released a new report touting how data analytics has helped drop traffic accidents and fatalities to record lows.

The FBI has launched a campaign to improve industry reporting to its Internet Crime Compliant Center (IC3) in major cities across the United States. “IC3 is often the first piece of the investigative puzzle. We receive victim complaints and then analyze, aggregate, and exploit those complaints to provide law enforcement with comprehensive reports that can […]

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