Early last week the New York Police Department was slapped with a lawsuit alleging that the policies surrounding its body camera program turn the cameras “from an accountability tool into a tool for surveilling and criminalizing New Yorkers.” On Friday, Judge Analisa Torres dismissed the suit as being premature and said the pilot program could move forward.
Arlington, Va.-based startup Greater Places got a boost in its quest to make America’s cities more sustainable and livable when it was selected for the Spring 2017 cohort of the Smart City Works Infrastructure Actuator.
The Texas state senate is considering a bill that would fund a high school program that would allow technology companies to partner with schools to teach students relevant technical skills.
Denver’s crowdsourced data platform asking people to indicate traffic hazards has garnered more than 2,200 responses since its March 6 launch. Sixty-one people were killed in traffic-related deaths on the streets of Denver in 2016. To redress the issue, Denver is participating in Vision Zero, a program where cities use data analytics to prevent transportation-related injuries.
The state of Utah is bracing for a surge in connected vehicles and the advent of autonomous vehicles, as well as the plethora of cybersecurity challenges these cars present.
Prince George’s County, Md., on Monday released two new open data sets and plans to release another set in the coming weeks. The first two data sets contain information about agency performance and the Transforming Neighborhoods Initiative. The data sets will have updated versions of city information that was released in August about citizen complaints and requests.
New York City’s Tech Talent Pipeline was founded in 2014 to connect New Yorkers with tech jobs and training. Last week, Mayor Bill de Blasio, who created the TTP, announced an expansion of the program with a $1 million investment and new partnerships.
The Federal Communications Commission voted to return $170 million to New York state to expand broadband deployment in underserved areas.
The City of Chicago is partnering with CIVIQ Smartscapes, the same company New York City partnered with for LinkNYC, to deploy smart city, interactive CIVIQ Waypoint devices in downtown Chicago. AT&T’s Smart Cities program is covering the cost of the pilot.
A year ago this month, New York City deployed a beta test of kiosks across the city. The program, dubbed LinkNYC, is powered by CIVIQ Smartscapes and gives the public access to free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB charging ports, maps, and direct access to 911 and 311.